Testing the possibility that AI and astrology can help us envision our future and make our dreams a reality. As I compared how my life unfolded to what it could be in my birth chart, I noticed the areas in which I wasn’t aligned. Assuming that there is an ideal, I plugged in different scenarios and asked ChatGPT if I would be fulfilled with each one. It wasn’t enough to hear that it’s likely. I wanted to know why one is better than the other, with numerical values. Regarding career, it ranked past jobs and future ones, considering my personality, and represented satisfaction in percentages. Did it meet my need for creativity, innovation, impact, personal growth, and spiritual alignment? It explained why there was always a sense of something more in all the previous roles.

I’ve been thinking about potential and how we value those who reveal it. Whether it’s the person who comes up with solutions or reminds us of our abilities. I can’t ignore the fact that there is technology capable of doing the same today. This photo of me surfaced when I was trying to locate the ticket for The Oprah Winfrey Show. I noticed the balloon and “MORE INSIDE” sign that day, probably because I was thinking about Oprah’s impact. Her speech, about us wanting “to fulfill the highest, truest expression of [ourselves] as a human being,” came to me as I entertained the idea that AI can show us how to make that happen.
