I’ve been talking a lot about water, but fire is the element that rules my Sun sign, Aries. This side of me didn’t hesitate when I applied for fast-paced jobs looking to hire a self-starter who could juggle multiple tasks. It’s also why I was drawn to a job with the word “production” in it. I like to keep things moving and have something to show for my hard work. What I didn’t see coming, though, was burnout. I thought I was alone in my overwhelm, only to find out later that others just hide it better.

I revisit the past because those river paintings were created during the most stressful times at work. It was a horoscope that suggested spending time near a body of water for relaxation. Being the restless soul I am, I had to paint to make it worthwhile. The paintings weren’t “complete” in the way I had envisioned, yet a part of me was okay with that. The act of painting mattered more to me then.

Each time I set goals for myself, I forget how important it is to enjoy the process rather than focusing solely on the outcome. This is largely why I’ve spent the past four years taking photos and writing. I’ve been trying to demonstrate what happens as a result of getting lost in the moment. The most rewarding has been the peak experiences—moments that sounded like a dream or a myth, but are very real and attainable. Relaying a message from “The Boss”: Come on, we gotta keep the fire burning. Come on and dream, baby, dream.
